
  • canoeing man on the Arno

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Contact & Schedules

Rules for Admission of Members

Full Membership

Current members can use any club, sports and recreational areas.
The application form, drawn up on a special print-out must, signed by the prospective member 
and the two current members, must be submitted to the administration office and accompanied by the following documents: 

  • A recent passport-size photograph
  • Medical certificate of physical fitness to be submitted to the administration office every year
  • Photocopy of valid identity document
  • Photocopy of codice fiscale (tax code)

Fees currently in force for Active Members

€414 Admission fee (adults)
€ Nil Admission fee (minors)
€180 Quarterly membership fees to be paid in advance
€60 Annual Fee Full-size locker
€30 Annual Fee Small locker
€20 Annual fee for membership card

Associate Membership

  1. They can only use club areas with the exception of showers, sports facilities and any other sports equipment.
  2. The application for admission, drawn up on a special document signed by the prospective member and the two current members, must be submitted to the administration office and accompanied by the following documentation:
  3. A recent passport-size photograph
  4. Medical certificate of physical fitness to be supplied to the secretariat every year
  5. Photocopy of valid identity document
  6. Photocopy of codice fiscale (tax code)

Current Other Membership Fees

€ 100.00 Admission fee (adults)
€ 100.00 Advance quarterly membership fees
€ 20.00 annual membership card

NOTE: From the date of application approval, both Full Members and Associate Members are legally bound, for all intents and purposes, from the day of their admission to the club for the entire fiscal year and, subsequently, from year to year". (Article 21 of the Articles of Association). By social year we mean the calendar year 1 January - 31 December.

For information please call or contact us via email:
Members' Courses
Call for more details on how to sign up
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